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Welcome to Knights Athletics!

Columbia Christian provides students the opportunity to participate in organized athletics and camps, which we believe are an important component to the experience students have in school. Being active promotes good health and good self-esteem, as well as learning to work with others in a team environment.

At Columbia, we emphasize faith, character, and academics in the classroom – and those same principles are emphasized in sports as well. While competing, we examine our faith in God, ourselves, and others; we assess our character to ensure we are demonstrating good sportsmanship and representing Columbia proudly; and, we are always striving to learn – a new sport, a new position, or working cooperatively with others. At Columbia, we hold students to a high standard and believe after-school activities – whether sports, drama, chess, or other clubs – are activities that bring out the best in each child. 

"...but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope."  Romans 5:3-4

Athletic Director
Kevin Yaws
Send Email
(503) 252-8577

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